Dear Dr. Rissetto & CVRC:
Just a update on Bootsie. I don't think we ever mentioned that Boots loves to be brushed. She will sit and make sure you hit every spot. Well needless to say she hasn't wanted to be brushed for almost 3 months now. Starting on Wednesday she has been getting us to brush her at least 2 times a day.
Another milestone she has accomplished this week is the cat pole that we bought her. It has a kinda like bowl on top. She would lay in there for hours and just be happy, you know how she likes to chill!! Well again for about 4 months she hasn't been able to climb up (and it's really not high, maybe 3 feet tall) we came home Thursday and found Boots in her bowl and just looking out the window. She has seen been in there 2 other times this weekend.
Two major come backs for her. We have you to thank for this. It gives up hope and after that review on Tuesday it really makes us say YAY!!.
Once again Thank You Dr. Rissetto. You and your staff are giving us back our Boots.